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M&S Jobs - How To Get The Most Out Of Them + Rules
M&S Jobs - How To Get The Most Out Of Them + Rules

This article will help understand the rules around the different M&S checks on the system and how you can maximise your earning potential!

Jack Hyatt avatar
Written by Jack Hyatt
Updated over a week ago

Update: For the foreseeable future, we are lifting restrictions on M&S jobs so that you may complete both an M&S Mystery Shop and Customer Shopping list in the same store. If you do decide to complete both you must make sure to complete the Mystery Shop first. Additionally, we are now working on a ‘if you can see it, you can complete it’ model for M&S as well! If a job is available on your map then you are allowed to complete it even if you did it last week! This is likely to revert at some point, so while it is off make sure to complete as many as you can! We will let you know if and when the limitations will be reverted

Marks and Spencer's Jobs! There are so many of them and different rules for each. It can be confusing at times so we have created this article for everything M&S and to help you maximise your earnings!

Let's begin with the one that started it all

M&S Mystery Shopping Check
​This is the main mystery shopping check on the system! It covers Full Line Stores, Food Halls, and Outlets. Times may vary but these can take anywhere from 30 - 40 minutes.

This job varies based on the size of the store but it boils down to checking the cleanliness, stock levels, and staff interaction of the store. Some even include buying something from the cafe where you can grab yourself something tasty and we’ll reimburse you!

This job repeats EVERY 2 weeks also known as a 'Wave'.

Top Tips from Shepherds: Walk around with a basket. It will make you seem like you're just a regular customer!

M&S Convenience
​This one is a little different...

It's the same type of check as the main store check but inside smaller M&S locations like train stations, motorway services locations, or airports – great if you’re on the road or off on your travels! As they are smaller they normally only take around 15 - 25 minutes.

For the airport locations if you need to park we even reimburse you for this!

How often they return is where it can get confusing.

Some stores are weekly (London Rail only), some are fortnightly (some petrol stations and some high street stores) and the rest are monthly.

Top Tips from Shepherds: As these are smaller you have to be a little careful with pictures to try and stay incognito and to also get a good photo in a smaller space. So for this just make sure to take you time and be confident!

Customer Shopping List
The newest M&S job to hit the app! Completely different in that it's more of an audit with no staff interaction. It's just checking to see if 50 products are in-store or not. It's a lot more concise than the above mystery shopping checks as you ONLY have to look for products and take pictures. There is no staff interaction involved and you don't have to go skulking about in the toilets!

These jobs come back every week and each day more jobs are dropped at 8pm, 11:30am, and 3:30pm where you will then have a specific amount of time to complete them. (Except for on Monday and Sunday when you will have 'all day' to complete them)

Top Tip from Shepherds: This job normally takes around the 30-minute mark yet this Shepherd 32203 holds the record at 21 minutes! We'll find out what secrets they are hiding and report back!

M&S Point of Sale Display Check
This is not the same client so no rules apply here

If you see it on your map you can complete it. Simple as that!

And that's everything! All the best with your M&S Checks - happy earnings!

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