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"Retry" messages

Why have I received a 'Retry' message?

Written by Mollie Brownlow
Updated over 2 months ago

Our Support Team will review every completed report that a Shepherd sends in. The majority of these reports will pass through our Quality Assurance stage (QA) with no issues, but occasionally we might notice something in a report that we require the Shepherd to amend.

When this is the case, our team will send a Retry message via the app. You then have 24 hours to resubmit the report with the necessary changes.

Our Support Team will always try to provide concise, clear information on what amendments are required - this might mean adding more detail to a response or occasionally returning to the store/location. If you are unsure of what changes you will need to make, feel free to message us and we'll do our best to help.

Once satisfactory changes are made, we will be able to Approve the report. If the relevant changes are not made within the 24 hour timeline, you may not be paid for this task.

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