Whilst the vast majority of reports are passed, there are some occasions where a report might be failed.
All reports are reviewed by our review team, either in real-time or later on during a delayed review stage to ensure the quality of every report.
A report may be failed if:
If you have completed the job outside of the store opening times or specific times listed in the job
It contains unsuitable media; this means blurry photos, photos in which the view is obstructed, photos from vehicles, missing photos, photos of screens, shaky videos, bad angles etc;
It contains contradictory or imprecise answers
The required information is missing
It contains inappropriate/offensive language
It has not been completed at the correct location
Any requested edits following a retry note are not made
Evidence suggests that the answers in the report have been falsified!
Read our blog for our Top Tips for ensuring all your reports are passed by the review team.