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Review process

How long will my review take?

Written by Mollie Brownlow
Updated over 11 months ago

Once you have submitted a report, you will notice that the status on the report will now show as in Review - this means that the Shepper Review Team is now reviewing your report to ensure that you have collected all of the relevant information, taken all of the relevant photos and performed all of the relevant actions before we mark the report as successful.ย 

Your report will be reviewed WITHIN 7 DAYS. If we're experiencing high volumes of checks, we'll make sure to let you know if the review times end up going over our standard time frame.

It will be marked as completed if all the correct data is included. Once your report has passed the Review stage, it will be marked as complete!

If any changes, that do not involve you returning to the location, need to be made to the report, you'll receive a notification letting you know what changes need to be made before we can mark the report as successful.ย 

However, if relevant details or photos are missing from the report, unfortunately, it will be failed.

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